2012年12月18日 星期二

Delicious [Pavlova]!

For weather this hot lately, I reckoned a light, airy pavlova would be a good choice for dessert! 
I have made this dessert with a friend before and I LOVE the recipe. Crispy on the outside and soft like marshmallow in the inside. It uses yogurt for the filling instead of cream which even lights up the pavlova more. The yogurt is a prefect match with sweet strawberries. :) ok, lets start!

For the meringue:

Egg Whites x [ 4 ]
Granulated sugar x [ 1 cup ]
Cornstarch x [ 1tp ]
Vanilla extract x [ 1 & 1/2 tp ]
White vinegar x [ a little ]

For the filling:

Mascarpone Cheese x [ 1&1/4 cup (250g) ]
Plain Tangy Yogurt/Greek yogurt x [ 1/2 cup (120g) ]
Vanilla extract x [ a little ]

Preheat the oven to 270°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Trace a 9" circle on the parchment. (If you are making mini-pavlovas, drinking glass can be used as guide.) Flip the parchment over. Mix the sugar and cornstarch together in a small bowl. 

Make sure your mixing bowl and beaters are very clean with no residual fat or grease, definitely no moisture.  Pour the egg whites in to the bowl and begin beating at low speed. Gradually increase the speed to medium.When the egg whites have reached soft peak, begin adding the sugar little at a time, waiting a few seconds between each addition. While doing this, gradually increase the speed so that you are at maximum speed once all the sugar has been added.

Keep whipping until the meringue reaches stiff peaks. Stop the mixer and sprinkle the vanilla and vinegar over the meringue. Beat for a while longer to blend everything completely.Use a spatula to scrape all the meringue onto the parchment in the center of the circle. Working from the inside out, spread the meringue to fill the circle. Smooth the sides if desired or leave it in billowy lumps.

Turn the oven to 230°F, place the meringue into the lower track and hopefully the heat comes from below. Bake it for until 60 minutes, check if the surface hardens. When the crust looks brown and sounds hollow when you tap on it, it is done.

So, now the filling. Simply mix the yogurt and mascarpone cheese together. Add a few drops of vanilla extract then you're ready to spread it on top of your crust. Of course, you only do that when you're serving it. Me and my friend put the filling on top of the crust way too early, when we took it out to serve, the crust has already been soften due to the moist that yogurt given out.

Anyways, the last step is to slices up fruits you prefer and place them on top! DONE.

