November 17, 2012 · by · in [ EAT ]
I became a fan of macarons from....probably last year, I remembered I was attracted by some photos in a Chinese magazine. The magazine introducing the “best macarons in Sydney”, all those colourful photographs grabbed my attention in no time. I fell in love with macarons.
Nowadays, macarons everywhere, they are on advertisements, they are on magazines, they are in cafes…etc. Suddenly we are all surrounded by macarons. So…where can we find the best macarons in Sydney?? It all depends…whether you like crunchy shell, softer shell, classic flavour or flavours with more creativity. Its all depends on what you like. (SO blurr) 
I have only tried baroque, zumbo, Laduree and Lindt cafe. Baroque’s macarons are the first macarons I tried, it was in a dark night, me and my friends trolled along the Rocks. We bought a few macarons and enjoyed them under the starry sky. After that, I was crazy about macarons. I have tried to make my own, but its always failed…Eventually I got it very very similar once, however the shells are a bit empty.
Anyways, today I went to the LuminoCity exhibition again…the pier is empty today, I hang around and looked at all the work more seriously. Counted my business cards seems around 10 of them are gone! Excited! 
So after exhibition, we naturally headed to the direction of baroque! However, it was closed until 6pm. Luckily I know there is a cafe nearby that sell baroque’s macarons, so I got 5 macarons in total : Jasmin green tea, Mango and lime, Salted caramel and Milk chocolate. 
Baroque uses Italian method to do their macarons, the outcome would be a more stable and with shells that are more dense. Probably people would think it as less airy inside, but I personally prefer a denser shells. The texture would be between crunchy and moist. The ganache has a very delicate flavour, but not too sweet, thats what I like about baroque’s macarons.
Zumbo’s macarons have very interesting flvours, however, the textures are a bit dry and flat. Tastes doesn’t stand out enough for me. Laduree’s macarons are just so disappointed for me…I don’t understand what’s good about them…I forget what they taste like right after I ate them…