November 15, 2012 · by · in [ LIFE ]
Finally, 5 years of architecture studies becomes real tonight…
We arrived at the Circular Quay, friends suggested that we can take taxi but I prefer walking so…we walked for 15 mins and arrived the Pier! Getting excited! The entrance doesn’t have much decoration to attract attention though… I am pretty sure there won’t be lots of people enter during normal days.
There was a bus advertistment being seen at a bus leaving Circular Quay, seems like a big event! 
The Pier is much bigger than I expected, dark inside. Waiters and waitresses moving around with finger food and drink, I guess we got a lot of funding from our sponsor. There is Architecture computing and industrial design section when I got in, but master of architecture has the opening night first, so the other parts are just quiet. I kind of like the exhibition space a lot, the ceiling is high, the lighting are dim everyone looks happy and pretty (becuz of the light?). I was wandering around my work for most of the night just to see what people’s reaction when they saw my work! And there is a guy from the Sydney transportation sth department, he is also developing the Sydney Entertainment Center area in the FJMT team! He told me quite a lot about what he did, very nice talking to him. Of cuz he said my work is good , I think he is just being polite haha
Tonight just felt like my study is truly coming to an end, we are ready to move on to another stage from this exhibition.